Privacy Policy

Respecting your privacy and your personal data is a priority for Agilink Group.

By using the Agilink Group website, you implicitly accept the collection and use of your personal data under the conditions described below.

Personal data collected from the xxx website are processed in compliance with current law and regulations and in particular French data protection law, Law no. 78-17 of 6 January 1978, amended, and Regulation (EU) No. 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 (“GDPR”).


While you are browsing on the Site, you may need to provide us with personal information concerning for the purposes described in Article III of this Privacy Policy.

More precisely, Agilink Group may collect and process identification data (namely your surname, forename, company name, telephone number and email address) and/or connection data (namely IP addresses, connection logs).

These data are collected when you visit the Site, when you sign up for our newsletter, when you exchange with us or complete the Agilink Group contact form.

Agilink Group may use cookies to analyse traffic and the use made of its Site. Our cookie management policy is available here and on the Site under “Cookie Policy”.


By using the Site, you implicitly accept the collection and use of your personal data under the conditions set out below.

All the personal data concerning you are collected only from you directly when you connect to the Site and during our different exchanges (online requests, letters, faxes, emails and telephone calls).

When required by data protection law, Agilink Group undertakes, as the case may be, to seek your consent and/or allow you to object to the use of your personal data for certain purposes.

Purposes of the collection and processing of your personal data

The bases for the collection and processing of personal data are :

The legitimate interests pursued by Agilink Group when it pursues the following purposes:

The performance of pre-contractual measures or the contract when Agilink Group carries out processing for the purposes of :

Compliance with legal or regulatory obligations when Agilink Group carries out processing for the purposes of :

Agilink Group collects and processes your personal data in order to :

Recipients of the personal data

Only the specific, authorised persons mentioned below are able to access your personal data :

Your personal data are not shared with anyone other than the persons mentioned above.

Personal data storage period

Agilink Group undertakes to ensure that the personal data is stored in a form allowing you to be identified for a period not in excess of the time necessary to the purposes for which these personal data are collected and processed.

Agilink Group only stores data for the length of time necessary to the operations for which it has been collected and in accordance with currently applicable regulations.

Accordingly, customers’ personal data are stored for the duration of their contractual relations plus 3 years for customer follow-up and prospecting purposes, without prejudice to any retention obligations or time bars.

With respect to the prevention of money laundering and the financing of terrorism, personal data are stored for 5 years after the end of the relations with Agilink Group.

For accounting purposes, personal data are retained for 10 years after the end of the financial year.

Data controller

Your personal data are processed by :

Agilink Group

Adresse : 1, place Costes et Bellonte 92270 Bois-colombes

Your rights

You have a right of object that you may exercise at any time by contacting Agilink Group as described below.

You also have a right of access, rectification and erasure of your data, which in particular allows you to access the information concerning you and to demand, as the case may be, that your data be rectified, completed, updated or erased.

In addition you have a right to data portability, which among other things, allows you to retrieve the data concerning you processed by Agilink Group for your personal use and/or to transfer them to a new organisation.

For any questions or requests relating to your personal data, you can contact us by sending a letter to :

Agilink Group Adresse : 1, place Costes et Bellonte 92270 Bois-colombes

If you wish to exercise your rights, you must provide proof of your identity, and include your contact details in your enquiry (surname, forename, company name, position and email address) and the reasons linked to your particular situation when they are required by law (in particular to exercise your right of objection).

Agilink Group has a period of 2 months in which to respond counting from the date when it receives your enquiry.

Security of personal data

Agilink Group does its best to guarantee the security of your personal data by introducing technical, physical, electronic and administrative protection measures proportionate to the risks involved and compliant with the applicable regulations.

Agilink Group cannot be held liable for any risks linked to the operation of your internet connection. It is up to you to ensure that you take the necessary measures to secure your internet connection.

Agilink Group and its processors, where they exist, undertake to take all appropriate technical and organisational measures to ensure the security of the processing of our data and the confidentiality of your personal data, in line with French data protection law and the European data protection regulation (GDPR) as well as French Law no. 2018-133 of 26 February 2018 adopting various measures to adapt to European law on security.

Accordingly, Agilink Group takes all useful precautions, in view of the nature of your data and the risks involved in our processing, to keep data secure and, in particular, to prevent it being deformed or damaged or unauthorised third parties being able to access it.

Transfers outside the European Union

Agilink Group undertakes not to transfer Users’ data outside the European Union.

Updating of the Personal Data Charter

Agilink Group reserves the right to update this Site Privacy Policy at any time and without warning.

When using the Site, you have a duty to refer regularly to the latest version of the Site’s Privacy Policy.

Applicable law

This Privacy Policy is governed by French law.

Any dispute relating to its existence, validity, interpretation, performance or non-performance will be a matter exclusively for the courts.